Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Beginning of a new Journey

So I haven't had a blog since the beginning of high school. And that ended with drama and friendships ending. I've never been a fan of people putting their business out for the whole world to see. It never seems to end well. But hey, we're in a new age of technology and this is the future. And who knows, I may just get some good advice back.
        I'm one of those people who has the dream and desire to do extraordinary things. Unfortunately, I could teach a class on procrastination and lack of motivation to actually follow through with a project. That's not to say I've Never finished what I start. Just more often then not, I end up stopping mid-way through. Just to name a few, here are some things I've tried starting that I failed to finish. Learning to draw, playing the piano (although I did teach myself to play FurElise. But that's as far as I got), working out on a consecutive basis, playing tennis and staying organized. So in an effort to break myself of this bad habit, I have decided that this is the year I want to finish a 10k race. While I could run/walk a 10k, I want to actually run the entire race. Now 6.2miles may not seem like a big deal to some, but allow me to explain. I used to be very active in my teens and was good about running. But around Jr./Sr. year of high school (about 6 years ago), I began to develop knee problems. According to my Doctor I have little to no cartilage in my knee, therefore my knee is basically bone against bone. This creates a grinding sound when I walk. Now you may be thinking, "well then why the hell would you try to run?" Well, I figured if Lance Armstrong can overcome his medical problems, well then I'd like to at least try to overcome mine.
                 The race I want to run: The Peachtree Road Race on July 4th. 
                 Training Time: Exactly 6 months from today
      Now  I have no equipment or even decent running shoes. So I will be spending this 1st week picking out suitable running shoes, and developing a workout routine. Planning is the easy part...so in order to hopefully keep myself motivated, I will track my progress on this blog. But we'll see, next week I'll be going to the doctors again to get a second look at my knee. I'm hoping my knee hasn't gotten worse. Its been said that one of the hardest things to accomplish in life is to defeat that little voice in your head that convinces you that you can't go any further. This is the voice I want to defeat, This is my goal, This is my Dream.

1 comment:

  1. This is great! Very well written! We will keep you motivated for the race.
